Thursday, April 11, 2019

Two slices of life in one since I don’t wanna write one for yesterday.

Slice of life days 10 and 11

So I had to clean my room yesterday. It was a mess cause of my brother. Thanks bro.
Nah just kidding he is my brother I don’t bully him.  But, I’ll be honest. It was both of our faults. So we had to clean up our room. It was messy, but we had MOST of it done.
The only good thing was that it wasn’t a lot.
I still fell dust in my eyes.... Afterwards we relaxed and that’s kinda it. This is short but I have nothing else to write because my brain is dumb.

Today was bad, I mean most of it was okay but, I haven’t been feeling well.
Not sick, just lately good friends have been ignoring me. Didn’t even tell me to sit with them at lunch so it sucked. One of my friends (I won’t say her name) she came to sit with me. One of her friends too. We didn’t talk a lot, I basically just sat there while they talked. I was feeling hopeless. Thinking that my friends hate me. I felt like crying but hey I didn’t. I don’t really think they are purposely ignoring me. But another part of me tells me they hate me. So I sat there holding a pencil, looking at the ground and my notebook. I would glance at them sitting there talking and laughing. Well at least I know they are better off without me-
Not actually. I think that hopefully soon they do contact me and continue to talk to me again.
But while I sat there I thought of something a teacher once told me, that we might lose friends but we will make new ones.
I know it sounds cheesy as heck. But it did remind me that I will always make new friends who are gonna stick with me.

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Two slices of life in one since I don’t wanna write one for yesterday.

Slice of life days 10 and 11 10: So I had to clean my room yesterday. It was a mess cause of my brother. Thanks bro. Nah just kidding h...